

Smart Production @ REHAU

The increasing demand for customized products leads to shorter product life cycles and increasing product variety. It is critical for manufacturing companies to respond quickly on fluctuations in demand caused by means of a flexible production system. In literature and in practice experts agree on the fact that implementation strategies and processes are required to realize connected manufacturing systems to exploit associated potentials in terms of efficiency and flexibility.

Therefore the project “Smart Production Configuration” aims at the creation of a development path to realize connected manufacturing systems. During the project a template-like implementation process to upgrade the existing manufacturing infrastructure towards a smart production is developed. The company specific characteristics are considered throughout the collection and consolidation of requirements of different manufacturing sites and operations departments across REHAU.

Business Intelligence @ REHAU

With the exponentially increasing amount of data within and outside an organization, the need for solutions that filter and structure information rises. Therefore Business Intelligence applications analyze data in order to gain a better view on business processes and relations as well as better understanding of the relevant interdependencies, using sophisticated analysis methods and algorithms. This enables managers to make better decisions based on more reliable Information.


The Accelerator of the REHAU group is the pioneer for radical innovations. The mission is to support the divisions to generate new ideas, drive innovations forward and explore new paths – in a short time and with lots of courage to elaborate new, disruptive business models. UNLIMITED X is operating in the area of agile working methods. From agile project management to agile product development, the motto is „Pick up pace“.

The goal is to obtain fast customer experience, the rapid implementation of an incredible idea to an available demonstrator, or the exploration of new technologies and market segments.
The four pricinples are:

X-PLORE: We discover the seemingly impossible

X-PERIMENT: We test, fail, cast away and start again

X-PERIENCE: We go through, feel, test and share with customers and partners

X-CELERATE: We decide quickly and accelerate the development process



Examples of previous theses in cooperation with REHAU:

  • Corporate Incubators in Medium and Large-Sized Companies – Adaption of an Incubator Framework
    (Master Thesis, 2017)
  • Entwicklung und prototypische Realisierung eines Vorgehensmodells für Big Data in der Industrie 4.0
    (Master Thesis, 2016)
  • Geschäftsmodellempfehlungen für REHAU im Markt zur Speicherung und Verteilung regenerativer Energien
    (Master Thesis, 2016)
  • Entwicklung und prototypische Realisierung eines Konzepts zur integrierten Fertigungsplanung mit Fallstudie einer entscheidungsoptimierten Feindisposition bei REHAU
    (Bachelor Thesis, 2016)
  • Konzeption und Entwicklung einer teilautomatisierten Lösung zur strategischen Wettbewerbsbeobachtung für einen internationalen Kunststoffhersteller
    (Master Thesis; 2016)
  • Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Instrumentariums zur Steigerung der Nachhaltigkeit in den Entwicklungsprozessen eines internationalen Kunststoffherstellers
    (Master Thesis; 2016)
  • Konzeption und Erstellung einer IT-basierten Plattform zur Kommunikation von Organisations- und Prozessveränderungen am Beispiel eines Kunststoffherstellers
    (Master Thesis; 2015)
  • Prozessorientiertes Business-IT-Alignment
    (Master Thesis; 2014)
  • Konzeption und Entwicklung eines webbasierten Geodatensystems zur Unterstützung des strategischen Marketings eines Unternehmens aus der Kunststoffbranche
    (Bachelor Thesis; 2014)
  • Entwicklung von Szenarien zur Optimierung der Kommissionier-Prozesse durch Technologieeinsatz für ein Unternehmen der Kunststoffbranche
    (Bachelor Thesis; 2013)
  • Entwicklung und prototypische Implementierung eines Web Mining-Konzepts zur Analyse der öffentlichen Meinung im Internet für ein Unternehmen der Kunststoffbranche
    (Master Thesis; 2013)
  • Design einer mobilen Applikation für das Kommunikationsmanagement zwischen Architekten und Bauzulieferern
    (Bachelor Thesis; 2012)